On Saturday, 11.2.2019, we will have a Breaking Seminar that is open to Yellow Belt and up. You must wear Full uniforms.
Location: Saint Mark Lutheran Church
1934 52nd Street SE
Kentwood, MI 49512
Time: Doors open 9am
Line-up 9:15
Doors close 2pm.
Cost: $10
Download, pre-fill, and bring this WAIVER.
Students bring their own boards.
BOARDS: The size is 12x 10″
Go to Home Depot, Lowes, Menards (?). Get a 12″ x 1″ x 8 foot, for example. Cut it to 10-inch pieces. 12″x10″x1″. 12″ will be less than 12′ which is true.
Any you do NOT break you can practice with later. You CANNOT use for testing though.
IF you want thin boards then you need to talk to Mr. Berrington (616-706-1178) asap. If you wait you might not get ANY.
The techniques we will practice are:
Sliding Side Kick
Side Kick
Front Kick
Back Round House Kick
Back Side Kick
Axe Kick
Elbow Strike
Knife Hand Strike
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